At 5:15 P.M. today I observed a Black Vulture in company with a number of Turkey
Vultures milling around the marina at Afton.  It was observed perched, flying, 
and on
the ground, too close to even bother with a scope !  I spent considerable time
attempting to phone a number of Twin Citians, but only one answered and they 
were on
their way home from out of town.  When I left Afton around 6:00 to dash home to 
my photographer-wife, the vultures seemed docile, appearing as if they were 
going to
roost there for the night.  When we returned at 6:40 we found an entrance gate 
to be
locked.  A quick walk in to where the vultures were last seen did not produce a
single bird.  I would guess being that late in the day that they must be 
roosting in
the area.  I plan on returning in the morning.  THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY.  I 
was not
able to find anyone to seek permission from; the house on the north side of the
marina is occupied by renters.  If you go there please observe proper respect 
for the
property.  It probably would be best to stay off the docks.  DIRECTIONS.  Drive 
on I-94 and exit just before the St. Croix R. bridge onto Hwy. 95 / St. Croix 
Go south several miles to Afton and turn east onto 31st St. S.  Once through 
the gate
turn left and proceed to search.

Bill Litkey

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