Both Carolina wrens were present this morning at the home of Alyssa's 
next-door neighbor (to the south, I think--brown house). They were 
ground-feeding among the bushes and the window wells around the 
foundation. One of them landed a few times on a birdbath at the SW 
corner of the house, by the driveway. Later it appeared in some bare 
shrubs on the opposite side of the home, facing Glenwood. After awhile 
both birds appeared together, and flew to some shrubs beside Alyssa's 
little gray shed, before winging across Glenwood into a spruce tree, and 
breaking into song. It was easy to see the eye stripes and the creamy 
yellow undersides, and their distinctive sound was strong and clear. 
Thanks to Alyssa for keeping us posted on this lifer!

At Bass Ponds: two eagles, immature and adult; two hawks, red-tail and 
possible rough-legged; one redhead, one woodie, and several pairs of 
hooded and common mergansers among the mallards and Canada geese. No 
sign of the Carolina wren across from the nursery at Old Cedar.

Linda Whyte

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