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I am wondering what bird I saw over Plymouth, MN.  I saw this bird out =
of my window over French Park by Medicine Lake on Saturday morning. It =
was about the size of a Pelican, totally white, flying in circles. This =
was during a light rain and as it circled it soared one direction and =
had to flap its wings the other half of the circle.  It was rather high =
and flew with it's neck straight.  It was gone by the time I reached for =
my binoculars.=20

Curt Rawn

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<DIV><FONT face=3DGeorgia color=3D#0000ff>Hello,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DGeorgia color=3D#0000ff></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DGeorgia color=3D#0000ff>I am wondering what bird I saw =
Plymouth, MN.&nbsp; I saw this bird out of my window over French Park by =

Medicine Lake on Saturday morning. It was about the size of a Pelican, =
white,&nbsp;flying in circles. This was during a light rain and as it =
circled it=20
soared one direction and had to flap its wings the other half of the=20
circle.&nbsp; It was rather high and flew with it's neck straight. =
&nbsp;It was=20
gone by the time I reached for my binoculars.&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DGeorgia color=3D#0000ff></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DGeorgia color=3D#0000ff>Curt =


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