Alyssa DeRubeis and found two Marbled Godwits in the Rothsay WMA, Wilkin 
County, on 190th St. just past the turn from 300th.   They were feeding, 
and calling for most of the hour we spent in the area.   Only one Greater 
Prairie Chicken flushed up for us.   Otherwise no surprises at Rothsay, but we 
enjoy the migration of Sandhill Cranes and Tundra Swans.
West of Rothsay we encountered our 1st small flock of Tundra Swans (36) in a 
flooded field on 230th Av. about .2 miles north of 219th St.   Still in Wilkin 
County, we found hundreds of Tundras, a few Cackling Geese and 6 Greater 
White-fronted Geese in fields to the east of Hwy 75 on 430th St.
Wilkin, Traverse and Big Stone Counties all had lots of mud flats/flooded 
fields that held a good variety of ducks.
Mud Lake in Traverse County was   astounding with thousands of, nay tens of 
thousands of Snow Geese - at first on the water, then swirling in the air 
before settling back down on the water.   Breathtaking!
We ended the day with five Western Grebes on Thielke Lake in Big Stone 
County.   A Yellow-headed Blackbird in Clinton was another early migrant.
Linda Sparling
Hennepin Cty.

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