After seeing the scissor-tailed flycatcher (finally) yesterday (4 p.m. -
5:30 p.m.) in Olmsted county at the same location others have posted, I
went to Great River Bluffs in Winona county to look for the Hooded
Warbler that had been reported. I didn't find it and since it started to
rain while I was there I got plenty wet trying. I was rewarded with a
ruffed grouse, 3 deer that snorted at me, a barred owl, a bunch of
chipping and white-throated sparrows and last but not least a palm
Carl Greiner
P.S. I had lots of spring peepers and only a couple chorus frogs &
leopard frogs on my route in Houston, Co. However a couple weeks ago on
my spring owl route, there were a lot of chorus frogs so maybe the frogs
were early this year.
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