Hello Birders,
Now that the adult pairs of Trumpeter Swans should be settled back on
their nesting territories (there are approximately 50 nesting pairs that
nest within the Twin Cities metro counties), the cygnets from last year
are off on their own,  looking for new, unoccupied-by -adult-swans
wetlands where they can feed and eventually undergo their 1-month summer
molt.  This usually means more secluded wetlands with sufficient cover,
aquatic vegetation, and minimal disturbance from boats, etc.
The Trumpeter Swan Society, officed within Three Rivers Park District,
is interested in reports where subadult trumpeters might be seen hanging
out.  Yearling swans often flock together with their siblings and other
yearlings.  Judging by the numbers of cygnets observed during the
winters at such locations such as the Mississippi River, Monticello, the
Otter Tail River, the St. Croix River and within the Park District
itself, there should be plenty of yearlings around.  However, not too
many are generally reported and there is some speculation that some of
the young birds go to the northern parts of the state or even up to
Ontario for the summer. 
So, as folks are out there birding, we would appreciate hearing
observations. 2006 hatch birds should still have some noticeable gray
feathers on them, but, by late summer, most should be pure white.
Trumpeters typically pair up at 3 years of age and will reproduce at 4
years of age, but there is some variability, of course.
Thank you!
Madeleine Linck
The Trumpeter Swan Society
12615 County Rd 9 - Suite 100
Plymouth, MN  55441
Fax: 763-557-4943
ttss at threeriversparkdistrict.org
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