Birded both Schaar's Bluff and the Archery Trail section this morning with  
The ONLY highlights at Schaar's Bluff were
Yellow-throated Vireo
Wood Thrush
and Black-throated Green Warbler
Otherwise it was fairly uneventful and I could have seen the same variety  of 
species in my back yard.
The Archery Trail was fantastic! The real warblers are FINALLY here.
Golden-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
for a total of 8 warbler species
Yellow-throated Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Swainson's Thursh
ANOTHER Wood Thrush
and overall at least 39 species bustling around.
The day was topped off with a short jog to 140th-"just in case"-where  we 
were lucky to run in to Derek Bakken who had just spotted  the Northern 
Mockingbird which we were happy to help relocate. 
For a truly blustery day-it was surprisingly good birding.
Jen  Vieth

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