134 species seen & heard in Sherburne, Mille Lacs & Benton Counties this 
week - primarily at Sherburne NWR:

* 20 warblers - highlight unexpected Louisiana Waterthrush - Canada and 
Mourning new the last couple of days.  Still no Blackburnian, Wilson's, Cape 
May, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll or Connecticut (although two of these have been 
seen by others).  Preponderance of Yellow-rumpeds and Palms suggests that we 
have at least another strong week remaining, which would be good for 
Saturday's MOU trip.

* 13 sparrows - Harris' and White-crowned just recently - resident Lark & 
Grasshopper singing away (as was the Harris' this morning).

* Only 10 shorebirds - highlight Hudsonian Godwit - some good habitat 
recently created on the refuge auto tour.

* Caspian, Common, Forster's Terns all in along lake - have not seen Black 

* Swainson's, Grey-cheeked, Veery, Wood Thrush all in.

* The "color barons" - Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting, Baltimore Oriole and 
related - are in.  Still checking out Tanager-like song along Blue Hill 
Trail that has no "hoarseness" - in same spot as last year's Summers were 
seen.  Haven't seen an Orchard yet along the Auto Tour, but imagine they're 
here.  One change:  only a single Yellow-headed Blackbird has been seen in 
the refuge (personally) this spring.

* Nathan mentioned a probable Black-crowned Night Heron flying out of CR 2 
ponds on Wednesday evening - this would be our first in the county - used to 
nest here.

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties

PS Responses to yesterday's post/request would be greatly helpful (Big 
Stone/Lac Qui Parle & Duluth suggestions for next week's day trips - 
surprisingly, only two received so far). 

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