I had an unusual visitor at the feeder and in the yard today. I finally 
figured out it must be an imm. rose breasted grosbeak. Sibley didn't have an 
illustrattion that matched so I posted 2 pics on the MOU website. 
Go to the Galleries and select Photo Gallery - MN
There are several other rbgb photos already there. Mine will be the last 2. 
I'm ready to be corrected if someone else can tell me what it is.
I've never seen a rose breasted grosbeak in my yard except for early spring.
The really amazing thing was that this bird was begging for food from a 
chipping sparrow. He had a routine. If the chipping sparrow showed up he 
went to a branch in a tree and begged. The chipping sparrow fed him several 
times. Each time the feeding would be in the tree - not at the feeder. I 
have some photos of the two together - in somewhat poor light but the size 
difference is very obvious. I've never heard of cross species feeding 
before - any comments?
Larry Sirvio
Cottage Grove 

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