Begin forwarded message:

> From: do-not-reply at
> Date: August 13, 2007 9:18:41 PM CDT
> To: psvingen at
> Subject: eBird Report - Park Point--Southworth Marsh , 8/13/07
> Location:     Park Point--Southworth Marsh
> Observation date:     8/13/07
> Notes:     Sixteen species of warblers observed by Peder H. Svingen in 
> one hour of birding at Southworth Marsh on Park Point, Duluth, MN 
> 8/13/2007. Winds were easterly at 10 mph and probably helped 
> concentrate migrants at this small preserve along the west side of 
> Park Point, between the Rowing Club and the bus turnaround. Four of 
> the warbler species seen today were not among those seen on the 9th, 
> so a total of 20 species has been found at Park Point in the last four 
> days. Also seen were three species of vireo and Veery, Swainson's 
> Thrush, and one Gray-cheeked Thrush.
> Number of species:    42
> [non-warbler species removed from forwarded message]
> Golden-winged Warbler     2
> Tennessee Warbler     3
> Nashville Warbler     24
> Yellow Warbler     19
> Chestnut-sided Warbler     3
> Magnolia Warbler     2
> Yellow-rumped Warbler     1
> Blackburnian Warbler     2
> Black-and-white Warbler     16
> American Redstart     9
> Ovenbird     3
> Northern Waterthrush     1
> Mourning Warbler     1
> Common Yellowthroat     14
> Wilson's Warbler     2
> Canada Warbler     1
> This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
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