Well,  since I saw the Chukar in the wild, then I will count it myself.   I 
guess I'm not as strict as a lot of people.  If I had seen it on some sort 
of game farm or zoo, then of course I woudln't count it.   How many reports 
of a Chukar would it take for MOU to consider adding it?   Also, does any 
one know of any game farms or preserves in Carver County that have Chukars?  
  If it is an escapee I am curious where it came from.   It makes me wonder 
if the birds I saw last fall near King Blind at Carver Park a couple times 
were in fact Chukars and not Gray Partridge(the only bird I thought it could 
be).   Unfortunately those looks were in early morning light, so I only saw 
brown partridge size/shape birds.

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