8/25/07, 4-5:30PM,  Got off work today and went down to Park  Point.  While 
driving past the soccer/ball field I noticed a small group of  the wind birds 
fly out from the field over the lake then come back to the field  and land.  I 
approached the birds and counted 10 buff breasted  sandpipers.  Fortunately 
the birds hung around the area for an hour and a  half.  Unfortunately there 
were WAY too many humans about for the birds to  get comfortable and tolerate 
kind of approach.  I know this is a  recreational area but come on people, 
leave the crotch rockets, dogs, and  frisbees at home.  To make matters even 
more stressful for the birds, they  were buzzed by a Merlin, so that even when 
gulls flew over the birds would take  off.  None the less, it was a good time 
watching these birds fly, they can  cut wind like a knife through hot butter:)  
Shawn  Zierman.

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