  In two weeks there will be a birding trip on Lake Superior.  The LL Smith 
Research vessel holds 24 birders.  On the last two seasons in September we 
spotted Parasitic Jaegers from the boat and last year on Sept. 22nd the boat 
was cancelled due to a stiff gale force winds and rain but we did go out in our 
rain gear and saw at least 6 Parasitic Jaegers from shore inculding one 
Pomarine Jaeger and a Little Gull.
  The cost for the LL Smith Research vessel for 4 hours is $520.00 and I am not 
making a cent on these trips just trying to get birders to join me on these 4 
hour trips. We depart from Duluth harbor at 8am and be back at the dock at 
12:00pm. I will supply coffee/water/snacks!! 
  Current registration:
  Sept 8th = 11 birders signed on (at $30/birder = $330 or -190 to pay boat fee 
OR $40/birder and - $80 to pay boat fee) So at $40/ birder all we need is two 
more birders! or at $30 we need 7 more birders!
  Sept 22nd:  11 birders signed up and same ordeal as above.
  Oct 6th: 9 birders signed up and I could use more birders on this trip to 
make it a go.
  Thanks for your time!!

Mike Hendrickson
  Duluth, Minnesota
  Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
  Local Bird Guide
  Lake Superior Birding Boat Trips

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