Well a Little Gull and a Red Phalarope were spotted recently in North Dakota, 3 
jaegers were spotted yesterday at Whitefish Pt in upper Michigan, the 
Long-tailed Jaeger in NW Minnesota and in Wisconsin a Kittiwake was found 
today!  So the birds of the arctic are moving down!!
  I have 12 birder inclusing myself signed up andready to go and Cpt. Dan Rau 
of the LL Smith research vessel has seen some Red-necked Phalaropes out in the 
middle of the lake feeding on 1000's of dead grasshoppers!!
  Also on Sept 8th there is a MOU meeting at 1:00pm at the Great Lake Aquarium 
right after the trip ends at 12-12:30pm. We meet at 7:30am and depart at 8am.  
I'll have coffee, water and snacks avail for birders and some one emailed 
wondering if there is a restroom on board and the answer is yes the boat has a 
  If you are a doing a Minnesota big year or in need for relaxation over Labor 
Day weekend, this trip is very relaxing and other than birds, Dan will discuss 
the lake and points of interest along our route. We will use popcorn for chum 
and this time of the year we will have a large crowd of Ring-billed Gulls and 
Herring Gulls following us. Hopefully other than Bonaparte's Gulls we will 
attract a unusual gull.  With this large crowd of gulls following us hopefully 
a jaeger or two will attack on of the gulls.  Also there are other birds to 
find along our route. Oure route will start by going under the Arial Lift 
bridge and follow the northshore of lake superior all the way to Lakewood Road 
then we will cut across the lake towards Wisconsin and hug the state line on 
the south shore all the way to Wisconsin Pt. We will go into the St Louis River 
Bay and scan all the gulls at Wisconsin/Minnesota Pt. and then head along Park 
Pt all the way back to Arial Lift Bridge.  
  There is plenty of room to sit and enjoy the ride either on the main level or 
on the balcony level.
  If your interested on the Sept 8th, Sept 22 or the Oct 6th trip email me and 
let me know
  Thanks so much.  

Mike Hendrickson
  Duluth, Minnesota
  Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
  Local Bird Guide
  Lake Superior Birding Boat Trips

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
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