21 species of warblers were found during foggy conditions this morning  
between Southworth Marsh and the picnic shelter at the Park Point  
Recreation Area in Duluth. Other birders are still looking and there  
may be further updates later today. The 2 Whimbrel are still present  
on the ballfields.
Peder H. Svingen
Duluth, MN

----- Forwarded message from do-not-reply at ebird.org -----
     Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 15:52:06 -0400 (EDT)
     From: do-not-reply at ebird.org
  Subject: eBird Report - Park Point Recreation Area , 9/5/07

Location:     Park Point Recreation Area
Observation date:     9/5/07
Number of species:     44 [non-warbler species removed from forwarded message]

Tennessee Warbler     12
Orange-crowned Warbler     1
Nashville Warbler     34
Northern Parula     2
Yellow Warbler     1
Chestnut-sided Warbler     4
Magnolia Warbler     4
Cape May Warbler     1
Yellow-rumped Warbler     34
Blackburnian Warbler     1
Palm Warbler     3
Bay-breasted Warbler     1
Blackpoll Warbler     9
Black-and-white Warbler     3
American Redstart     28
Ovenbird     2
Northern Waterthrush     3
Connecticut Warbler     2
Common Yellowthroat     17
Wilson's Warbler     2
Canada Warbler     4

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org)

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