Hey Folks,

     This report is a bit tardy but I wanted to post the results of
some morning bird banding done last weekend at the School of
Environmental Studies in Apple Valley. I was able to spend 3-4 hours
each morning (Sat., Sun., and Monday) running 4 nets and had a
wonderful time. The migration is in full swing and there were a
couple of real highlights. Below is what I caught:

Nashville Warbler - 1
Wilson's Warbler - 1
Northern Waterthrush - 3
Black-capped Chickadee - 7
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 1
Warbling Vireo - 1  (this one threw me for a second because of the
yellow in the fall plumage, I thought it might be a Philadelphia)
Black and White Warbler - 1
Red-eyed Vireo - 6
Ovenbird - 5
Connecticut Warbler - 1 (This was THE highlight of the weekend. It
was a Hatch year Female and I got pictures.)
Swainson's Thrush -1
White-throated Sparrow - 2 (strikes me as early)
Gray Catbird - 2
Northern Cardinal - 1

       I am now sure life is not fair. Just as this pick up I am back
in school with limited chances to get out. Mark Newstrom and I will
be doing a banding demonstration at Ritter farm Park in Lakeville on
Saturday from 9 - noon. Hopefully the weather holds off.

Roger Everhart
North Central Bird Observatory
Apple Valley, MN

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