Nine sparrow species along Sherburne's Prairie Wildlife Auto Tour this 
morning - highlights were a lingering Lark, three Harris' and numerous 
Lincoln's - could not find Fox or White-crowned anywhere.  18 sparrow 
species for year in/around the refuge (including E. Towhee) - have only 
missed migrating LeConte's among the expected.

Quieter week overall here in central MN - "jewels of the kingdom" have 
departed - only five warbler species total.  Sad...but we'll adapt.

Noted that the Eastern Meadowlarks were singing lustily throughout the drive 
once again - wonder what causes them to do this after relative quiet in 
August & September.

Good birding!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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