
Ruth Hiland and I took a quick trip down to the Sleepy Eye Sewage Ponds this 
afternoon.  We arrived a little before 4:00 pm.  For the next 1/2 hour we 
watched a number of Least, Baird's and Pectoral Sandpipers and a 
Semipalmated Sandpiper on the mud flats near the entrance gate to the ponds. 
At that point Joel Claus, spotted a small Sandpiper that had either just 
flown in or just opened up from a resting position.  As there were a mix of 
sleeping shorebirds there.  So for anyone that is going to check for the 
bird on Monday.  Have patience if you do not see the bird when you first 

Thanks a bunch Brian and everyone else that posted this bird!!!

Craig Mandel
Minnetonka, MN

EgretCMan at msn.com 

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