There were a lot of birds out at Cortlawn Pond (both trails) and the General 
Mills Nature Preserve. Nothing paricuarly special. Birds seen:

-Warbler count diminished to only 5 species today. Yellow-rumped's were 

-Sparrow count abounded to 8 species today. Singing Song and White-throated's. 
Quite a few Lincoln's, plus my first junco and Fox Sparrows of the season 
(finally!) At General Mills, a flock of 100+ birds were seen. Half of them were 
finches, the other half were sparrows (Savannah and Chipping.) 

-Young Cooper's Hawk failed to catch the cautious Fox Sparrows.

Besides that, same birds were seen as reported earlier this week. Good birding~

Alyssa DeRubeis
tiger150 at 
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