The next Birds and Beers is October 18, 2007 at Merlin's Rest (http:// at 6pm, Thursday, October 18, 2007.  Due to  
request, it will be on a Thursday night this time, as some haven't  
been able to make Tuesdays.

There are so many people who are doing interesting things bird wise-- 
research projects, banding, writing, etc. and we don't often find out  
about it on the listservs. This is the chance! It's a fun get  
together of people interested in birds and we can have a drink and  
talk some birds. It doesn't matter what you're experience level is.  
If you are interested in birds, you are welcome!  We've had a variety  
of people at the eventd, it's just a fun mix and an opportunity to  
put faces with names on the listservs.

On the off chance that anyone is going to be in Cape May, NJ for the  
Autumn Weekend Bird Show, I have scheduled a Birds and Beers Friday  
night, October 26, 2007 at 8pm at the Jackson Mountain Cafe (http://

Birds and Beers is a free event not sponsored by any company, it is  
just a chance to meet up with the fun birding folks in the area.

Sharon Stiteler
Minneapolis, MN

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