*Minnesota Statewide
*November 2, 2007

-Birds mentioned
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Pacific Loon
Cattle Egret
Inca Dove
Mountain Bluebird
Black-throated Green Warbler
Summer Tanager

Hotline: Minnesota Statewide
Date: November 2, 2007
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) http://moumn.org
Reports: (763) 780-8890
Compiler: Anthony Hertzel (axhertzel at sihope.com) 

This is the Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, November 1st 2007.

On the afternoon of October 30th, Jim Lind found a potential first state
record INCA DOVE, and the bird was still present throughout the day on
the 31st and again on November 1st. The bird is being seen in Two
Harbors, Lake County, in the backyard of the house at the southeastern
corner of 3rd Street and 2nd Avenue. From state highway 61 in downtown
Two Harbors, turn toward the Lake on 5th street. Drive to 2nd Avenue and
turn left. The house is at the corner of this avenue and 3rd Street. The
bird has also been seen in the backyard of the home at 322 - 2nd Avenue.

A BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING-DUCK has been in Bloomington, Hennepin County,
since the 28th. Its roosting at a pond along Anderson Lakes Parkway just
west of U.S. Highway 169 and just south of I-494. Take Anderson Lakes
Parkway west of U.S. 169 to the entrance of the park. Follow the main
paved trail up the hill, then take the grass path leading down to a
pond. I am skeptical of the wildness of this bird because of its
unnatural tameness and continued occurrence in a suburban setting. A
late BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER was also seen here on the 29th.

A PLEGADIS IBIS was along state highway 26 just south of Wildcat Landing
near Brownsville in Houston County on the 26th.

In Maine Prairie Township, Stearns County, a PACIFIC LOON was along the
north shore of Pearl Lake on the 28th.

On October 29th, six CATTLE EGRET were along the west side of State
Highway 61 in Lake County. They were at mile marker 43 near Split Rock
Lighthouse at fire call 3644.

Two MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRDS were at the Municipal Campground in Grand Marais,
Cook County, on October 28th, and both were still in the vicinity at
least through November 1st.

And a female SUMMER TANAGER was at Stoney Point in St. Louis County on
the 23rd.

The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday, November 8th 2007.
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