I ASSUMED this message was a private response just sent to me - I feel so silly 
now for assuming.

Today, Sandy spooked what she thinks was the bird because she did not know it 
was there.  Do I have an issue with that?  No.

Yesterday, the bird was sitting in a tree in a spot that was known to a large 
group of people.  Fifteen minutes later it was gone.   Completely different 

Nothing in my original post was either an assumption or short-sighted. 

What did I learn from this?  Be cautious about sharing bird sightings with 

Terry Brashear
Hennepin County, MN
birdnird AT yahoo.com

----- Original Message ----
From: Sandy Kuder <fivekud...@yahoo.com>
To: Terence Brashear <birdnird at yahoo.com>; mou-net at moumn.org
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 1:42:12 PM
Subject: Re: [mou] Spooked LEOW

I went to MAC park about 11:30 yesterday.  Ran into a couple of other birders, 
no one was seeing the Owl.  Spent a couple of  hours enjoying the park (I never 
realized it was there).  I was about to leave around 2 or so when I heard a 
crow making a racket not too far in front of me.  Continued to the vincinity of 
where the crow was and just stood there for a couple of minutes.  The crow 
wasn't diving at anything.  After a bit the crow flew away and I still stood 
still.  Just looking and listening.  Didn't even raise my bins.   Eventually, I 
took one step.
  W H O S H.  
  Guess what?
  An owl was no more than 10 feet in front of me and I never saw it until it 
  Does that make me an awful person?  Should I feel shame because it was so 
well camoflauged that I didn't see
 it until it flushed?   Nope.    I'll tell ya what I felt.  Frustrated at the 
fact that I knew it was an owl, but never got my bins on it.  So I can't tell 
ya if it was a Long-Eared or not.  
  But I'll tell you how I feel now.  Frustrated and a little angry at the 
short-sighted assumptions that some birders make about other people.   
  And you know what they say about assumptions....................
  Happy Birding,
  Sandy Kuder

Terence Brashear <birdnird at yahoo.com> wrote:
        It appears someone got too close to the Long-eared Owl at the MAC
 park in Crystal this morning. I heard that people looking for it around 11AM 
could not find it.  I was with 3 other people that found it in a different 
location around 9AM and we were kind enough to let people know the location - 
it was not easy to find.  I left at 10AM and it was still sitting calmly in the 
area we found it.

Whomever spooked this bird, and you know who you are,  you should be ashamed of 

I only hope it returns and can be seen by more people.

Please use common sense when you approach birds.

Terry Brashear
Hennepin County, MN
birdnird AT yahoo.com
Moderator MOU-NET

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