Bohemian Waxwings, Milaca Hiking Trail (Mille Lacs County) this morning; Ann 
Lake (Sherburne County) on Tuesday.

I can remember having to travel to Palisade the winter I moved here 
(2003-2004) to find them - interesting differential this year.

Area has little open water (Mille Lacs Lake, smaller lakes & sewage ponds 
all frozen tight; some open areas along Rum & St. Francis Rivers, but not 
many) - this, combined with the snow & cold - has made Mille Lacs & 
Sherburne Counties rather quiet.  Ann Lake seems to have the most activity 
over the last 7-10 days:  Townsend's Solitaire (not consistent), Goshawk, 
Common Raven, few Purple Finches & Pine Siskins (no other winter finches to 
speak of).  Mille Lacs County does have flocks of Snow Buntings, which are 
always enjoyable.

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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