Out with John Baker of Illinois yesterday thru Sunday.

Thursday: Sax Zim Bog
-Hoary Redpoll:  feeding station up on the Blue Spruce Road.
-Pine Grosbeaks, Common Redpoll, Evening Grosbeaks: feeding station on Blue 
Spruce Rd.
-Boreal Chickadees: 2.5 miles north of Cranberry Rd on Admiral Rd.

-Northern Hawk Owl
-Sharp-tailed Grouse Aitkin Co.  1/4 mi south of 210 on Kestrel (2 birds) I 
also got a call from another birder who saw 8 birds 1.8 miles west of Kestrel 
on 420 street.
-American Three-toed Woodpeckers: (1) 2.5 mi west of east gates on the Hedbom 
Logging Rd. (2) A male on Blue Spruce Rd (.5 miles north of Co. Rd 133 on east 
side of road)
-Black-backed Woodpeckers: (1) one female 2.5 miles west of east gates on the 
Hedbom Rd and at least 2 others about 2.3 - 2.4 miles west of east gates on the 
Hedbom Rd. (2) .5 miles north of Co. Rd 133 on the Blue Spruce Rd in Sax Zim 

* Heard from other birders the male Hoary Redpoll is still at the feeding 
station on the Blue Spruce Rd as of this morning.  There is a donation box with 
a blue slot erected near the feeders PLEASE contribute money to Derek to keep 
this feeder going all winter. Thank you.

Snow Buntings still at the corner of co. rd 28 and co. rd 7 in Sax Zim Bog. 
Lots of Northern Shrikes in the bog as well.

The paved road (Hellberg Rd)  in the Duluth Terminal area is a new public road 
and there should be no problems with birders setting up scopes to see this 
Snowy Owl.  To reach the road: you can acess the road off garfield avenue at 
the new power works building. Do not wonder down the road near the lumber yard 
as it is a private entrance and they do not tolerate birders. If the owl is 
near the lumber yard you need to get permission to park on the shoulder of the 
road to view the owl so they know what you are doing before hand. Even though 
the road is not marked as a private road -- it is --believe me! This is the 
road that heads out towards the bay in front of the lumber yard. In the old 
days the local birders were once able to drive out here to scan the bay ice for 
snowies but those days are over with. 

I'll be in Lake Co. tomorrow.
Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

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