Have you ever felt like you might live in the "Bermuda Triangle" of backyard 

During 2006 we had an Eastern Meadowlark visit our yard (five acres, 
formerly agricultural) on March 9th, significantly early.

Last year one showed up 3/19, still somewhat early.

Yesterday Nathan and I heard, "Spring of the Year", a number of times across 
the street (farmer's field) - but passed it off as a Starling.  This morning 
he was out walking the dog, heard the "rattle call", then saw the meadowlark 
across the field.

I've dutifully recorded the bird the last three years in MOU's records, but, 
frankly, hate having the first (apparent) spring record this year in a 
northern (admittedly, southern-most northern) county.

One wonders:  same bird each of the last three years?  Progeny of an 
enterprising bird?  Optical/audio illusion?  Global warming?:)

The Varied Thrush is still coming in to the Mille Lacs CR 1 feeders 
(directions available), seen this morning after a two minute wait.  No sign 
of the Townsend's Solitaire or Bohemians at Ann Lake over the last week 
plus.  Sherburne Refuge rather quiet at moment.

Good birding to all!

(And may an early or unusual migrant show up at your door!)

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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