The bird was in the part of the park south of the road, foraging low to the 
ground within several feet of the Cannon River, roughly 50 yards beyond the 
picnic pavilion.  It popped up and perched near the top of the vegetation a few 
times, giving me reasonably good looks.

The bird had a distinctly short cocked up tail.  It was uniformly brown, barred 
on it's belly.  There was a stripe above its eye which was several shades 
lighter brown, but not white.
Unfortunately I did not have much time to spend there today.  I never feel as 
though I have birded this spot as thoroughly as it deserves.  No other 
rarities, but of note the place was just dripping with Kinglets, several dozen, 
mostly Golden-Crowned.  There were also some Yellow-Rumped Warblers, and two 
Brown Creepers.

Also, there are a lot of Flickers moving through my neck of the woods right now.

Phil Dech
Red Wing
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