Hey there,
This is Josh, its been awhile since I've awhile being on here since I've made 
myself known in this state but here I am. Just thought I'd post a few 
interesting sightings for my part of the state, some like to think of it as the 
unknown, and others "oh yeah, he lives out there in the middle of no where, in 
the middle of no where!" Anyway, in the past week after a long endured winter 
the birds have finally decided to the leave everyone elses neck of the woods 
for how ever long they've been down by most yall, and come visit me and my 
lonely chickadees. While working at the Lutsen Ski Hill I observed my first 
hermit thrush of the year while robins in there new abundance sang in the 
distance among song sparrows and a chipping sparrow also. Junco's are also in 
considerable amounts at the moment and can be seen all over my yard. Just the 
other day I was walking on the back forty seeing what could be seen and I 
noticed, kingfishers, flickers, song sparrows,
 chipping sparrows, pileated woodpecker, yellow-bellied sapsucker, downy 
woodpecker, harry woodpecker, robins, and the years first yellow-rumped 
warblers for me. I also had fox sparrows singing there tunes in the yard and 
saw about half a dozen skulking in the shrubs. I had an interesting experience 
in the town the other day as well. I was riding in with my father before work 
and as I came out of Holiday with my donut and hot cup of coffee I observed 
what seemed like a small piece of brown trash parked in the middle of the 
sidewalk but as I came closer it materialized in to a shocked brown creeper 
that had decided to run into the window on his way in for a breakfrast borito 
and some cold coffee. Anway, I set my breakfast down and carefully re-located 
him out of rush hour on the streets and into a well hidden spruce tree to 
overcome his dizziness. Also around town, the gulls have thickened up in the 
harbor however, I have not had the time to scope them
 out. A pair of common loons have made residence inside the harbor breakwalls 
along with half a dozen lesser scaups, mallards, some buffleheads, common 
mergansers, and a pair of ring-necked ducks. The other day on my way out of 
Lutsen I paused at the sewage ponds in Lutsen and observed 7 beautiful full 
breeding wigeons. Killdeers and pheobes have also made themselves known up here 
and geese have become the most popular rock band playing high and low in the 
sky's when I get up in the morning and go out to get some fresh air. Anyway, I 
think that is about all I can say I've seen so far this spring so I'll leave 
you all with that and a good luck and happy birding to all. 
Josh Watson,
Cook County and Grand Marais

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