

Early this evening I stopped to walk my dog at Sunfish Lake just off H'way 5
outside Lake Elmo.


We did a short circuit as time was short.  When we got down to the lake
there were more white Egrets than I have ever seen there, not only in the
water but up in the trees.  The top end of the Lake has been cut off due to
last years drought, but just passing a gap I noticed a pair of Pelicans
cruising by in the main part of the lake, among the assembled masses of
egrets.  We went up on a ridge along a deer path and looked down, no
pelicans to be seen, but I then I looked up and there they were doing
leisurely circuits over the lake, after awhile they settled back on the
water.  We, Gromit and I, carried on along the main trail and at the top of
the hill came upon a pair of Bluebirds just sitting taking in the wonderful
day, and across the field I noticed what I at first glance I took to be a
vulture, but the behaviour soon showed itself to be a Northern Harrier, he
gave me a fantastic view as he came over and scoured the ground on the other
side of the "thin" hedge I was walking along.    


As I left along H'way 5 I looked down onto the main area of Sunfish Lake.
There appeared to be many pairs of Pelicans, unfortunately time was short
and I had to keep going.  


It was a great interlude in what had been rather a frustrating day.


Bridget Lyell   

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