Found that my Cooper's Hawk has found another location not far from me  
for another nest attempt.  I still have not seen a second hawk.  The  
second nest is more elaborate and further away from homes.  It may be  
that it is a "he" and his nest building is wishful thinking or hoping  
that a female will appear.  It could also be that the female stays  
well out of the picture until she accepts the nest site and then the  
pre-nuptials commence.  The hawk doesn't seem that bothered by my  
wanderings as it's sites are along somewhat secluded walkways through  
the woods where my dog and I go and it barely reacts to my unplanned  

This is the same hawk that has been roosting on a bent tree at the end  
of the same trail I usually take.  I feel like I am part of something  
intimate and a great connection to life instead of media onslaught of  
negativity.  Less and less news and more and more nature.

Thomas Maiello
Angel Environmental Management, Inc.
Maple Grove, MN

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