We took a quick drive through Vadnais and the warblers are showing up there,
now.  We didn't see a lot of birds but did have a couple nice ones!
Nashville Warbler (1)
Tennessee Warbler (1)
Yellow Rumps
Palm Warbler
Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Black Throated Green (1) -- a real surprise -- had some very nice views
a possible Pine Warbler but not a long enough view for a positive ID
bald eagle

Most of the warblers were in the stretch of juniper-like (?) trees on the
west side of the road about the middle of the drive.  That area is always a
good warbler spot in the spring and fall.  The lake was totally bare today,
not even a mallard!


Gail Wieberdink
wieber64 at comcast.net
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