Birds of local interest seen today (16 May) in Duluth:

Greater White-fronted Goose -- 2 at Interstate Island, early AM;
Am. White Pelican -- 10 between Interstate Island and 27th Ave West,  
early AM;
Am. White Pelican -- one on Lake Superior at Park Point, moved between  
12th Ave and Recreation Area;
Semipalmated Plover -- 3 at 22nd St access to beach, Park Point;
Willet -- one at Interstate Island, mid-morning;
Ruddy Turnstone -- 3 at Interstate Island, early AM;
Red Knot -- 2 at Interstate Island, late afternoon;
Sanderling -- Park Point and Interstate Island, early afternoon;
Laughing/Franklin's Gull -- one at mouth of Miller Creek, 27th Ave  
West, mid-morning only and not refound the rest of the day;
Indigo Bunting -- male on the ballfield with flock of Chipping  
Sparrows at Lafayette Square (31st St, Park Point) for the third  
consecutive afternoon.

There was frequent turnover at Interstate Island and 27th Ave West,  
though 400+ Bonaparte's Gulls were at the latter location all day. I  
checked Interstate Island four different times throughout the day and  
never saw the same shorebirds from one visit to the next. The Eared  
Grebe mentioned on the Duluth RBA has not been refound since 14 May.  
Good luck to all of the Birdathon teams tomorrow!

Peder H. Svingen
Duluth, MN

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