Jay Cooke State Park

May 24, 2008; 9:45 to 11:00; temp. 55 degrees, sunny

Access on the west side, on Leimer Rd. off of Carlton Co. Rd. #1

Jan and John Green

Walked N from the Leimer Rd access to the Carlton Trail (along the river 
- eastward), then back to the SW via the Summer Trail (about 1.3 miles). 
Mostly old growth maple-basswood forest; some yellow birch and white 
spruce; maples just beginning to leaf out; many spring wild flowers (see 
list below). Bird observations mostly by ear.


Spotted Sandpiper ? 2

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ? 1

Least Flycatcher ? 12

Red-eyed Vireo ? 1

Blue Jay ? 3

Black-capped Chickadee ? 1

White-breasted Nuthatch ? 3

Veery ? 1 (scold note only)

Robin ? 2

Golden-winged Warbler ? 1 (at park edge, Summer Tr.)

Nashville Warbler ? 5

Yellow-rumped Warbler ? 3

Black-throated Green Warbler ? 4

Blackburnian Warbler ? 1

Ovenbird ? 30

Chipping Sparrow ? 2

Song Sparrow - 2

White-throated Sparrow ? 1

Rose-breasted Grosbeak ? 2

Outside the park on the Leimer Rd.: Mourning Dove, Tree Swallow, Eastern 
Bluebird, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Bobolink

FLOWERS (mostly in bloom; otherwise noted)

Moschatel (Adoxa)

Wild Sarsaparilla (tight buds)

Dwarf Ginseng (buds)

Wild Ginger

Blue Cohosh (just beginning)

Fly Honeysuckle


Virginia Waterleaf (not blooming)

Wild Leek (leaves only)

Clintonia (Blue-bead Lily; tight buds)

White Trout-lily

Yellow Trout-lily

Canada Mayflower (tight buds)

Solomon?s Seal

Twisted-stalk (leaves only)

Nodding Trillium (buds)

Large-flowered Bellwort

Wild Oats

Bloodroot (past flowering)

Springbeauty (C. virginica)

Red Baneberry (leaves)

Wood Anemone

Marsh Marigold

Round-leaved Hepatica (leaves only)

Juneberry sp.

Sweet Cicely sp. (leaves)

Yellow violet sp.

FERNS (none fully unfurled, most just started)

Rattlesnake Fern

Interrupted Fern

Lady Fern

Oak Fern

Ostrich Fern

Long Beech Fern

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