Making a very brief stop this morning at Fish Lake Park in Eagan, I was  very 
surprised to find a singing Magnolia Warbler. This is a very small park,  
with very little habitat, and basically serves as public access to Fish Lake.  
According to the occurrence maps on the MOU website, this is the first  summer 
report for Dakota County. Interesting is the fact that there is a single  
report from Carver County on this same day from a few years ago, and one for  
County on the 12th (don't remember the year). Apparently this observation  is 
"in the zone" for a late migrant in the Twin Cities area. 
Also, yesterday there was an Alder Flycatcher singing at Ritter Farm Park  in 
Lakeville. I'm guessing this was a migrant as well, due to the habitat.  
Although there have been additional reports from Dakota County that  suggest 
occasional summer residency, mostly from Murphy-Hanrehan Park  Reserve.
Perhaps migration is still winding down?
Drew Smith
Eagan, Dakota County

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