I was able to find the Bell's Vireo at the SWNokomis-lagoon location today.  As 
with others, I heard it singing before I found it...behind the massive 
cottonwood stump in a glossy-leaved willow, a brooding female as evidenced by 
the parting down the middle.  It spent most of its time in the young grove of 
Butternuts, I think, (didn't look to be walnuts) off to the left.  A second 
Bell's also gave chase a few times---9:30am
Missed the N. Mockingbird in the morning, but found it on one last swing 
through at the airport location previously mentioned--77th/Longfellow--2.20pm 
and vocalizing. Thanks for your posts and the visit with birder Mr. W. at the 
OldCedarAve Bridge. mjb
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