To Kim and all the gull discussion folks, I have a question of
terminology relating to the calendar. Kim discusses plumage of a first
summer bird. What does the term "first summer" mean? As a bird-bander I
am familiar with Hatching Year and second year because all birds ages
are keyed to the year end. Does "first summer" refer to its year after
being a juvenile? Is there then a "first fall" term and to what would
that refer? Do these terms mix anyone else up or is it just me? I hope
you don't think this is a wise crack because I am not very good with
gulls and I want to be able to understand the identifying marks and the
meaningful timing. Would it not be easier to use the HY, SY, TY etc.
terminology or am I missing a more important point in the
season/year/age/molt question?  Jim Fitzpatrick

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