Program on Sulfide Mining


The Breckenridge Chapter of the Izaak Walton League and the Minneapolis Chapter 
of Audubon will be hosting a joint program on sulfide mining within the state 
on Tuesday June 24 at 7:30pm.   Speaking will be Len Anderson of the Duluth 
Chapter of the IWL.  Len will be presenting on the effects and impacts that 
sulfide mining may have on watersheds through-out the state.  Len is a member 
of the Mercury Implementation Strategy Group and has been involved with water 
quality and TMDL issues as they affect the St. Louis River watershed.  Len has 
worked on watershed issues for 10 years, and has been a member of the Duluth 
Chapter of the IWL for 40 years.  

Program will take place at the Breckenridge Chapter House ? 8816 West River 
Road, Brooklyn Park.

Directions: from MN 252, east at 85th Ave N (traffic light) to West River Rd 
(stop sign); turn north; a few blocks, first driveway past Banfill Circle

More Info: John 763-424-7973 or Jerry ? 763-572-2333 


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