MOU Aitkin trip participants enjoyed 103 species yesterday, including:

* Carolina Wren, Rice Lake Refuge.  Earlier in the week a Breeding Bird 
Survey team had noted a titmouse like song - our group had excellent listens 
but nearly non-existent looks.  Unusual to have a five wren day this far 

* 13 warblers - however, could not find a singing Connecticut in Rice Lake 
or on CR 5 & 18.  A Northern Waterthrush was very active, we thought it was 
a bit south of normal breeding areas.

* Franklin's & Bonaparte Gulls + a Caspian Tern at Garrison (fish turn 
off) - interesting mix for late June.  A Caspian and 15 Pelicans were also 
noted along 169 at the southern edge of Aitkin County.

* Gray Jays on 18, including a spectacular immature.

* Yellow-headed Blackbird at Rice Lake.

* Singing LeContes on 18, although could not find them in their normal spot 
at Rice Lake.

Somehow we missed Yellow-bellied Flycatchers.  All of the Least-like 
Flycatchers sounded, well, like Leasts.

Team synergy was excellent; n fact, we may have enjoyed each others' company 
too much - didn't get to all the places we had planned:).  Many thanks to 
the refuge volunteers who came in at 7:00 AM to greet & provide coffee, and 
to each trip participant.

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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