Sax-Zim Bog, St. Louis Co. 6/22/08
After running the half marathon yesterday, I decided to do a little birding at 
the bog this morning. 
The mosquitoes were terrible early but cleared out later. The wind made birding 
difficult but overall it was a fun morning. 
I found a small flock of White-winged Crossbills feeding along the Admiral Rd.  
I was later surprised to find a Black-backed Woodpecker nest with both parents 
feeding their young on the McDavitt Rd. The nest was 12ft. up in a spruce snag 
on the east side of the road at the southern-most point of the vast Black 
Spruce bog north of the Sax Rd. The nest is only maybe 15ft. from the road so 
be careful not to disturb the birds if you visit this location. I found another 
male Black-backed Woodpecker on the Blue Spruce Rd. less than a mile north of 
CR 133. 
I was unable to locate any of the Connecticut Warblers that were previously 
Other highlights of the trip:
Mourning Warbler- 1 seen and a few heard on Owl Ave.
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher- 1 heard, Owl Ave.
Wilson's Snipe- singing on the railroad tracks
Brewer's Blackbirds- a pair
Alder Flycatchers- numerous
Bank Swallows- a county bird for me:)
Lincoln's Sparrow
Sedge Wrens
Bobolinks- very numerous at some locations
Northern Harrier
Total Species seen or heard: 54
Good Birding,
Jason Caddy
The i?m Talkathon starts 6/24/08.? For now, give amongst yourselves.
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