Just got back from the black hills and badlands of South Dakota and was  very 
pleased to pick up several lifers including American Dipper, Blue Grosbeak,  
Western Tanager, Burrowing Owl,  Long billed Curlew, Western  Woodpeewee, Lark 
Bunting, and Violet-green swallow, all with minimal  effort.  If you like 
violet green swallows, I posted two pictures in the  MOU gallery, look under 
North American section, and then scroll down to  violet-green swallow:)  My 
aplogies if this non Minnesota post offends  anyone, however, if you are 
for a great birding experience one state  over, check out the black hills and 
the badlands, they rock!
Good Birding, Shawn Zierman.

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