After reading through a few of these ethics posts, I would like to argue a 
comment that has become so prevalent among birders in this area.  And that is 
the 'evil photographer'.  As a photographer of birds, let me explain.....
  Lumping all photographers into a pile is like lumping all birders into one.  
Are all birders so pristine and holier than thou that a call has never been 
used by them?  Or that a bird has never been bumped trying to get an ID?  Let 
me educate to both of those.  In spades  I have observed this a 
plethora of times....while I wait for my photo op.  So I guess you could say I 
have my opinion of SOME birders as I watch birds get pressured and stressed by 
(not the photographer) but the BIRDER!   I also have watch highly regarded 
guides and birders use calls to call in uncommon or rare birds to a group of 
non- complaining birders, (and all gather in a herd to look at the subject) who 
will then post their sermons on the list server as to the evils of these 
techniques if a photographer is mentioned.  I can only laugh under my breath, 
as I know I would be scathed and skewewred on burning coals if I did anything 
1/2 as close to this...because I have a camera in tow.  
  I understand it is in vogue to bash photographers with assumptions of 
pressure, calls, etc.  But please police yourself first....and save your 
stereotypes for yourself.  It only shows your lack of knowledge on the subject. 
  Jon Swanson 
  aka Lucifer the Evil Bird Photographer

Jim Williams <two-jays at> wrote:
  Perhaps the ABA code of ethics periodically could be published here. I doubt 
any one of us knows it by heart. It is helpful. It does offer guidelines. I 
find that my rather constant use of a camera while birding in recent years has 
made the code's suggested considerations and restrictions more relevant. 
Cameras tempt one. 
The code helps maintain perspective.

The code can be found at

Jim Williams

mnbird mailing list
mnbird at

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