Among other birds Mike Resch or I encountered at Park Point:

Western Grebe PM 9-11 nearer WI side than MN side, seen in the harbor
between Sky Harbor Airport parking lot and a large yellow warehouse in WI

Mike called me this morning 9-12 to report a *Western Wood-Pewee* in the
vegetation by the boardwalk just south of the ballfields at the recreation
area, first seen and heard at 7:30 AM.  This is the 'first' boardwalk by the
yellow gate just south of the beachhouse, just before you curve around on
the road to enter the parking lot for the airport proper.

Also first-year Great Black-backed (2) and Lesser Black-backed (1) gulls at
the Superior Entry.
Interesting at 40th W impoundment last evening 9-11 were a singing Marsh
Wren, two Short-billed Dowitchers, Black-bellied Plovers, Pectoral
Sandpipers, and two young Bonaparte's Gulls still showing strong brown wash
to their plumage.  Three Common Goldeneye were in the harbor outside
the impoundment area.

My internet access continues to be restricted to short and sweet at cafes; I
can most reliably be reached via cell phone at 612.281.0310 for the present.

Chris Mansfield
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