
The Lake Superior Boat trip that is scheduled for this Saturday is filling up 
fast.? I currently have 23 birders signed up?as of today and I only have 7 
spots left.? So if you are on the fence about signing up, please try to make a 
decison by?Thursday night - Thanks.

I?got a?message from Kim Risen who?left a message on my?cell phone that a 
Hooded Warbler was found in the vicinity of the play ground area at Park Pt..? 
The playground is located in the park?right?on the left hand side or across 
from the large parking lot. The warbler was seen by Kim and Cindy Risen.

Some local news:

For those birders live outside of the Duluth area there?might be some dramatic 
changes in the near or distant future?to Park Point.? The Duluth City Council 
have approve of rezoning nearly 400 feet of city land to residential zoning. 
Which means developers can now make offers to purchase 4 lots (?)? 2 lots on 
the north and 2 lots?to the south of the two homes that are currently in the 
Some of the best birding during migration at Park Point has always been between 
the bus turn around and the bath house in Park Pt. and now nearly 400 feet of 
woods are now up for sale to potential buyers.? Hopefully the DNR or some 
environmental organization will purchase the lots and protect these lots from 
developers.? Duluth is in some serious financial issues and the sale of these 
lots are suppose to help with our 6 million deficit we are currently in.
Also those that use to?visit & bird?the Lakewood pumping station ( along the 
northshore ) to watch fall migration can no longer roam this property!? The 
property is now surrounded by a 8 foot chain link security fence.? Back?in the 
good ole days birders could hike up the mound and watch birds by the thousand 
fly by.? This was place where the northshore count ( back in the 1980's) was 
located and where I counted 10,000 nighthawks fly by one evening with the help 
of Kim Eckert.?As I get the older, Duluth is ever changing.?Many birding 
locations in Duluth?are?either being developed or wrapped?in security fence or 
guards these days.

Mike Hendrickson

Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

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