The Minnesota Environmental Partnership (MEP) is looking for someone  
to be a part of an informal panel discussion on "Ethenol, the next  
generation". They are looking for someone to be able to speak on the  
possible effects to wildlife. That is why they contacted me, the MOU  
representative. The session will be a regular meeting of MEP,  
expecting between 20 to 40 persons. The date is October 10, from 9:00  
to 10:30 a.m. at the Nature Conservancy Headquarters. The session will  
be mostly a discussion + Q & A. If you are interested and feel  
qualified, contact Shannon, who is the director of development for  
MEP. Her number is 651-789-0656. You may also respond to me and I will  
forward your name and contact information.

Tom Bell
Grey Cloud Island
5868 Pioneer Rd. S.
St. Paul Park, MN 55071
651 459-4150

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