Late this afternoon, between 4:30 pm and dusk, several birds of note  
were found by the Minn Birding Weekends (MBW) group on the Lake  
Superior side of the Park Point Recreation Area in Duluth:

- Surf Scoter: 1 ad male and 1 female/juvenile

- Long-tailed Duck: 1 female/juvenile with the scoters

- Franklin's Gull: 1 juvenile (also seen yesterday on the lake out  
from 12th Street)

- Thayer's Gull: unexpectedly early but well-marked juvenile standing  
on the beach with Ring-billeds (also seen well in flight)

- jaeger, sp: unidentified adult light-morph bird (probably Parasitic)

Other birds seen by the MBW group at various locations in Duluth and  
vicinity this weekend included: Cackling Goose, Greater Scaup, Great  
Egret (still present at 40th Ave West Erie Pier), Peregrine Falcon, 10  
shorebird species (incl Ruddy Turnstone and Baird's Sandpiper),  
Forster's and Common terns, Winter and Marsh wrens, Hermit Thrush, 8  
warbler species (incl Magnolia, Cape May, and Blackpoll), 11 sparrow  
species (incl Fox and Harris's), and Rusty Blackbird.

Kim Eckert 

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