The Ross's Goose was still at the Eden Lake Elementary ball fields at 5:30 this 
evening.  Unfortunately as I was driving off, there was a 3 year old that 
started chasing the Canada Geese.   They didn't seem interested in flying, so 
maybe they'll hang around for the night.
Carver Park Reserve and Chaska Lake turned up the usual waterfowl this morning. 
 Besides that it was probably the best Golden-crowned Kinglet day I have ever 
had (6 at Carver Park and 3 at Chaska Lake outnumbering Ruby-crowned at both 
locations).  Otherwise there were the usual late-fall migrants: Yellow-rumped 
Warbler, Hermit Thrush, Fox Sparrow, and American Tree Sparrow.  At the 
Chevalle wetlands in Chaska there were still 2 Lesser Yellowlegs and loads of 
Red-winged Blackbird.
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