Spent this afternoon at my sister's farm east of Pine City along the bluffline 
where it drops down into the Snake/St. Croix River confluence and hardwood 
plain.  While visiting and watching the valley view for a couple hours, 9 Bald 
Eagles (5 immatures), 1 Red-tailed Hawk circling with an eagle, and 1 
Rough-legged Hawk (I was hoping for a Golden Eagle based on yesterday's Hawk 
Ridge report) ( I wished to have sat there all day for I wonder what I may have 
Traveling to the potluck I saw several raptors, mostly Red-tails, but one very 
gray looking one, thinking Goshawk, but couldn't get a make on it.
Several hundred Sandhill Cranes in harvested farmfields, and at sunset many 
flocks flying NE most likely to roost in Crex Meadows. The Red-headed 
Woodpeckers that have nested here below the farm have migrated out. mjb
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