One of the BCNH reported by Bruce Baer at Bass Ponds was re-located
yesterday at the same place: in the Russian olive trees, on the north
side of the pond with the fishing/observation deck. (This is the pond
just east of the newly-constructed holding pond.) It was deep in the
foliage, and had not been visible from the south side of the pond.
Taking the path through the wooded area, we were finally able to see
it when we looked back behind us, to the west; evidently, our having
passed so close behind it hadn't upset it. It did, however, eventually
fly to a tree on the west side of the pond, and perched facing us.
This enabled us to see the unusually yellowish color on its throat and
upper breast, of which Bruce spoke. Given how gray the skies were, one
can only imagine how bright the color might look with more sunlight,
but it was remarkable enough as it was.

Also present: a male kingfisher; and at Old Cedar, east side, Am.
wigeons, gadwalls, and green winged-teal. One of the teal extended its
feathers and gave a very satisfying look at its bright green
Linda Whyte

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