With nearly all reports in, 65 field participants and five feeder watchers 
found 52 species in the St. Paul (North) CBC circle on Saturday, 12/20.  That 
is the lowest species total since 1996.  We found 55 species last year.  The 
number of individual birds this year was 14,853, which is the lowest since 1993.

  a.. Six Eastern Bluebirds at Thompson County Park in West St. Paul.  Two more 
bluebirds in the Phalen area are pending documentation.  Only one Eastern 
Bluebird has been reported before this on a St. Paul (North) CBC, in 1969. 
  b.. Three American White Pelicans, one Double-Crested Cormorant, and eight 
Great Blue Herons at the Pig's Eye water treatment plant. 
  c.. 29 Trumpeter Swans--25 on Lake Vadnais and four at AHATS (Arden Hills 
Army Training Site). 
  d.. Nine duck species (including two mergansers) . 
  e.. Two Merlins 
  f.. 14 Northern Flickers (twice the highest previous total) 
  g.. 1069 American Robins (previous high was 658 in 2001).  Most were feeding 
on hackberries. 
  h.. Two Fox Sparrows at a feeder in Roseville 
  i.. 42 Pine Siskins in seven areas (scarce in recent years)
  a.. Rough-legged Hawk 
  b.. Ring-billed Gull (only gulls were five Herrings) 
  c.. Eastern Screech-owl 
  d.. Barred Owl 
  e.. Northern Shrike (one in count week) 
  f.. Common Redpoll
Near Misses:
  a.. Peregrine Falcon--one, in a north suburb, not at the usual downtown and 
Ford Dam locations (but one at Ford Dam on 12/18). 
  b.. Ring-necked Pheasant--one 
  c.. Red-breasted Nuthatch--one
Count Week Birds:
  a.. One Wilson's Snipe 
  b.. One Long-eared Owl 
  c.. One Northern Shrike
Julian Sellers, Compiler

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