Christmas day Schimek Park near Good Thunder saw 12 robins clinging to their perches in a hackberry tree as a an unidentified hawk soared above. Over the weekend with snow gone from south slope of lawn a dozen or more eating what? in the grass. Never before had Robins at our place at this time of year. Sunday, another first here at this time. Four year old grandson noticed a small flock of birds high in a tree near the house, catching the first sun of the day. Took a look with binoculars and they were Cedar Waxwings. Tuesday, 30th, First Redpoll since November- very uncommon in past years. Today highlighted by continued visits by a Flicker, 9 Cardinals, a Tree Sparrow, lots of Goldfinches 30+, Pine Siskins 50+, and the usual Downys, Red-Bellys, Hairys, BCC, WBN, BJ, DE Juncos H Finches, 5 Purple Finches,and a few HSP. My Grackle hasn't been seen since the really severe weather of last week.

John Nelson
South of Mankato MN

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