At approx. 02:00 this afternoon, while dropping off a relative in the  
Lincoln Park district of Duluth, I observed a male varied thrush.   Initially, 
eye was drawn to the bird as it landed in the upper branches of a  nearby maple 
tree.  At first I presumed it to be a robin, but on closer  inspection was 
thrilled to discover that it was a varied thrush.  The bird  only stayed in the 
tree for a few seconds before it flew off into a large  conifer tree where I 
lost track of it.  I began to drive around the block  to see if I could 
a food source as there were few if any bird feeding  stations around.  There 
were two crabapple trees in the front yard of a  house (2215 West 4th Street), 
and in the apple tree with the larger apples was  the varied thrush.  He was 
not terribly fond of having his picture taken,  but I managed to get an id 
image that I posted in the Showcase section of  MOU.  I don't believe that 
has reported this thrush as of yet.   There was also a female robin and some 
starlings feeding on the same tree.   On more than one occasion, I observed 
the thrush fly under the front stairs of  the house with an apple in it's 
apparently utilizing the stairs as  shelter.  The home owner exhibited 
awareness of the thrush and said that he  had already taken a picture of "that 
looking bird."  (He was  very nice given my unannounced interest in his front 
yard).  This is  only the second varied thrush that I have observed, but this 
one provided the  best looks by far.  What a GORGEOUS bird!
Happy Birding.
Shawn Zierman.
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